FS200 Quarterly Onboarding Event
After several years of remote onboarding we decided to have an onsite onboarding again. It was a completely new setup and it was amazing. We met at FS200, our DKB Code Factory office, to have a great day of onboarding sessions with great speakers, amazing lunch, real elevator pitches, design thinking workshops and an extraordinary cocktail event in the evening.
onboarding session and speakers
In DKB Code Factory we are always trying out new things. This time we invited our new employees and settled employees for several sessions with different speakers from DKB Code Factory. There were speakers from our product, management, engineering, design, research and agile chapter that introduced several projects and products we are currently working on.
We split all the attendees and went into groups to listen to the speakers. After a couple of minutes we rotated to the next speaker.
With the new onboarding, a buddy program was also introduced. This is where new employees get a buddy(more seasoned employee) to support them within the first few weeks.
Our onboarding team organised the biggest pizza delivery I have ever seen, and there were a variety of options, from meat to vegan. It was a great opportunity to get together and meet with our new buddies.
elevator pitches
I can tell you this was an amazing ride up and down. Why? We literally used our FS 200 elevator to pitch the glorious committees and other organisations we have at DKB Codefactory. We presented our social committee, chess players, pen and paper master, tech talks, junior committee, security guild, design guild and many more. And everyone only had an 'elevatory ride from the 5th-ground floor and back again'. Sooo you were advised to be precise and to the point in order to sell your group!
design thinking crashcourse
After our amazing lunch our design chapter held a three hour design thinking workshop with amazing output. From the feedback I received everyone learned something new. Again our new employees and old employees were invited to this session.
evening event
Hopefully everyone listened well while we had our pre-lunch sessions. Why? We had a quiz! Every speaker could submit questions for his session and in the evening we answered these questions with a quiz. We even had some prizes!
In order to relax and chill after a full day of information and talking to new people, our beloved Manuel Sanchez mixed individual cocktails for everyone.
As you can see our onboarding session is everything but a boring presentation. We really enjoy getting everyone on board and sharing the work we do and value.
written by Christopher Mösch, Expert Softwar Developer & Naimah Fowler, Junior Backend Developer