Visiting an iOS conference in Tokyo
Attending conferences is always a highlight in the everyday life of a developer. You organize yourself beforehand with like-minded colleagues, travel there together, listen to exciting presentations by well-appreciated personalities and can then apply what you have learned in workshops or in your later work. A small group of iOS developers from DKB Code Factory had this experience last week when they attended the try! Swift conference in Tokyo, Japan.
written by Leonard Scharf, iOS Developer
Day 1 & 2
After a break of several years, this conference had resumed its work and offered participants a three-day event not far from the heart of Shibuya, two days of which consisted of a variety of lectures. Highlights for me included the excursion into the world of website development with "Build your next website with Swift" by Paul Hudson, the very entertaining Lil Ossa with "The Artistic World of SF Symbols", "Creating Retro-Style Photos" by Yunosuke Sakai and Omochimetaru, who explained in detail how the compiler implements the type inference in his lecture "Swift's Type Inference".
Third Day
The third day offered the possibility of various workshops. Controlling LEGO robots, spatial app development, SwiftData, Vision Pro and server development - all powered by Swift 🔥
I took part in Paul Hudson's SwiftData workshop and was impressed by the changes Swift and SwiftUI have made in recent years to integrate app storage as easily as possible into the actual app.
Intercultural exchange
The exchange with the mostly Japanese developer community was also particularly interesting, with many participants showing how much dedication and passion they put into supposedly small-looking topics in order to be able to apply the findings in a larger context. We also had interesting conversations with developers from Hong Kong, Korea and Australia, who talked about their work and life in these countries.
Wrap up
The conference and the activities surrounding it were definitely worth the trip and we were able to gain many experiences that my colleagues and I would not want to miss. Tokyo is a great city for such an opportunity anyway and we thank DKB Code Factory for offering us such opportunities as a cosmopolitan and supportive employer.